Syncing Data
  • 24 Mar 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Syncing Data

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Article summary


Cloudingo must sync with Salesforce to know which records to look at when recalculating filters (which queries for new results). Due to the syncing process, re-indexing frequently is unnecessary. Salesforce data is not stored locally on Cloudingo servers. However, the sync process notifies Cloudingo of new or updated record IDs that may impact filters.

What Impact Does Sync Mode Have?

  1. Sync mode settings can impact how quickly Cloudingo reports duplicate records in filter results. 
  2. The sync mode can also impact bulk job error reporting (like hitting the max CPU limit) if your org has poorly configured workflows, triggers, or Process Builder flows running. 
    1. Most commonly, CPU errors are due to Process Builder flows that max out the CPU limit before Cloudingo can perform the sync jobs. 
  3. The syncing process does not make changes to Salesforce data.

Sync Modes

There are three sync modes available. Cloudingo will automatically determine the best mode for your Account based on features enabled and activity in your org. This option will be set accordingly. This option is not configurable from within the application. This is a server-side-only setting. If you would like to know which mode you are currently on, please contact our Support Team.

Three Sync Modes Available:

  1. POSyncs (Agent)
    1. Closest to real-time.
    2. Creates a POSync job when any record in Salesforce gets updated or created.
    3. POSync jobs queue and send as resources are available in Salesforce.
    4. Higher risk of sync failures.
    5. The POSync trigger initiates even if the mode is not set to this option. The trigger checks for available resources and will report CPU max errors. CPU errors are almost always a result of a bad trigger/flow/process builder. Cloudingo is generally never the culprit with these errors (custom object merge is an exception).
  2. Polling (Server-to-Server)
    1. Cloudingo uses a polling method (Server-to-Server communication) to check for data. 
      1. Cloudingo asks Salesforce what data has changed since the last sync and pulls back the record IDs accordingly.
    2. Syncs typically run in hourly increments. In some cases, the Cloudingo Support Team can increase or decrease the frequency upon request.
    3. POSync jobs are not used, but POSync triggers will still report back errors detected (such as CPU max limit reached).
  3. Hybrid Sync
    1. This mode is a hybrid of the other two modes.
      1. Cloudingo uses POSync (real-time) automatically when there is low activity happening in the org.
      2. Cloudingo also uses a polling method (server-to-server communication) automatically to pick up record activity when there is higher activity happening in the org. 
        1. This option also catches any sync failures that might occur with the agent POSync mode.
    2. Highest reliability.
    3. Results can take up to an hour for Cloudingo to report back but some results get reflected almost immediately.
    4. This is the default and recommended mode for all users.

CPU Errors

  1. Typically, CPU errors are due to a poorly constructed Process Builder flow (or a workflow/trigger) eating up CPU resources before Cloudingo can process the sync jobs or exiting the POSync trigger. 
  2. Cloudingo looks for available resources before processing syncs. This causes the CPU error to reference 'POSync' in the message. 
  3. Have your Salesforce Admin capture a debug log during the CPU error to determine which process is eating up the CPU resources.


  1. The ‘Salesforce Account’ (platform connection details) will show 'Synchronizing' when the sync process is currently running.
  2. If a 'Synchronizing' message on the main Dedupe dashboard does not clear out after some time, this can indicate that there is a connection issue that needs to be addressed. See troubleshooting steps to re-authenticate. 

If re-connecting does not resolve the error, please contact the Support Team.

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