Update Matching Records
  • 18 Apr 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Update Matching Records

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Article summary


Cloudingo provides an update filter that combines the basic dedupe filter's capabilities with the ability to update matching records rather than merge them. Once a list of duplicate records is compiled, update fields with specific or blank values on the master or non-master records (or both). Or update non-master record values with master record values.

  1. Open the Update Unique Records window. Choose the ‘Tools’ → ‘Update Matching’ option from the left-hand-side navigation window.

    2. Tabs at the top of the page separate the indexed objects. Choose 'All' to view all indexed and non-indexed object filters.
    1. Choose ‘Create New Job’ to build a new filter.
    2. Choose ‘Edit’ from a specific filter’s menu option to edit an existing filter.

Actions & View Options

Graphical user interface 
Description automatically generated with medium confidence 

  1. The 'Actions' menu provides a variety of options.
    1. Recalculate Totals: Recalculates (queries) all filters at one time.
    2. Reorder Jobs: Choose this option to reorder the filters for display. 
    3. Manage Rules: Choose this option to get directly into the Manage Rules page. 
    4. Manage Owner Mapping: Choose this option to get directly into the Owner Mapping page. 
    5. Run Window & Throttle: Choose this option to get directly into the Run Window & Throttle page.
    6. Halt & Disable All Data Maintenance Automation: Choose this option to temporarily stop all currently running or future automation jobs. 
      1. Jobs currently running can take time to completely stop.
    7. Show Details: Choose this option to show additional filter details (such as the filter description, fields used, and the rule applied if applicable.
      1. Choose 'Hide Details' from the 'Actions' menu to return back to the regular filter view.
  2. Toggle between Tile View or List View to control how filters are displayed.

  3. Sort By: Choose from a variety of sort options to display filters.

  4. View Settings: Choose from a variety of view settings to display filters.

Step 1: The basics

  1. Maintenance Type: Choose ‘Update Matching Records’.
  2. Object Type: Choose the object that the updates will be applied. The list includes any standard or custom object enabled for merge.
  3. Filter Name: Give the filter a descriptive name.
  4. Description Name (optional): Give a brief description of the filter.
  5. Rule to merge records: Choose a rule to define the master & non-master records.
  6. Enable: All filters are enabled by default. 
    1. Disabling makes the filter inactive.

Step 2: Which fields do you want to match on?

  1. (Object) Field: Choose a field in the field drop box to begin setting up the matching criteria.
  2. Matching Style: Choose a matching style (Exact, Company Name Cleaned, Alpha Numeric Only, Fuzzy, etc.)
  3. Other Options: Choose options settings (ignore case, enable synonym matching, remove all spaces, etc.)
  4. Choose the ‘Add Field’ option to add additional matching criteria to find records.

Step 3: Limit your records (optional)

  1. Choose ‘Add Field’ to add limits to narrow down results to a specific subset of records.
  2. (Object) Field: Choose a field in the field drop box to begin setting up limits.
  3. Condition: Choose a condition (equals, contains, has a value, etc.)
  4. Value: Set a value for the condition if required. Some conditions do not require a value to be set.
  5. Choose the ‘Add Field’ option to add additional limits.
  • When using a Salesforce ID, set the condition to ‘Starts With’ to read the first 15 digits instead of 18 digit ID (which is what Salesforce exposes).
  • When using ‘Equal’, ‘Not Equal’, ‘Contains’, ‘Does not Contain’, ‘Starts With’, or ‘Ends With’, multiple values can be set which will use “or” logic. Separate values by commas and no spaces.
  • When using multi-picklist field options, consider using ‘Excludes Value(s)’ or ‘Includes Value(s)’. ‘Exact’ requires that all values must be present on the records for the match to be identified. 

Step 4: What fields do you want to update?

  1. Choose the ‘Add Field’ option to specify a field to update. 
    1. Use the ‘Refresh Fields’ option if a field is not showing up in the list.
      1. Check field permissions and visibility on the Salesforce side.
      2. Fields that are not editable in Salesforce cannot be chosen.
  2. Choose an update option. Options include:
    1. Update all Records: Updates all records (both master and non-Master) with the update criteria that will be defined on the right-hand side later.
    2. Update only master record: Updates only the master record value with the update criteria that will be defined on the right-hand side later.
    3. Update only child records: Updates only the non-master record value(s) with the update criteria that will be defined on the right-hand side later.
  3. Choose how to update the records defined in the update option specified. Options include:
    1. Specific Value: Sets the value for the specified records in the filter a specified value.
      1. Populate the blank box on the right-hand side with a specific value to get applied.
    2. Master Field: Sets the value for a field from the master record to the non-master records as specified in the update option on the left-hand side (‘all’ or ‘child records’ are the only applicable options, otherwise the value will copy back into the same master records).
    3. Update field to empty: Sets the value for specified records in the filter to blank.

Step 5: Limit your groups (Optional)

  1. Choose ‘Add Group Rule’ to add limits to further narrow down results to a specific subset of records.
  2. (Object) Field: Choose a field in the field drop box to begin setting up limits.
  3. Condition: Choose a condition (one or more records has an exact value, one or more have no value, etc.)
  4. Value: Set a value for the condition if required. Some conditions do not require a value to be set.
  5. Choose the ‘Add Group Rule’ option to add additional limits.


When creating or editing a filter with new fields (on indexed objects), Cloudingo initiates a re-indexing process on the object that may take time. To avoid this, users can pre-set a list of fields they will be using in their filters by going to Account → Settings → Manage Objects from the top right toolbar.

Preview Results

Make sure to preview the filter results for accuracy before performing updates. Check to ensure that the correct records are pulling in and the correct values will be applied.

  1. Choose the ‘View Results’ option on the filter after the filter has been calculated.

  2. Choose the red arrow on a group to preview the results. Check a few groups for accuracy.
  3. The preview will display the current record on the left and the values to be updated on the right.


After checking records for accuracy, run the update.

There are three ways to update:

  1. Manually: Update one record at a time from the preview page.
    1. Update: Updates the record and returns the view back to the record list.
    2. Skip & Load Next: loads the next record without updating the current record.
  2. Mass Update: Update records one page at a time from the preview page.
    1. Select records using the checkbox to the left to be updated.
      1. Or choose the Select All box at the top left corner.
    2. Choose the ‘Mass Update’ button at the top of the record list to submit all selected records in view.
    3. Page through results using the page numbers at the bottom of the results list.
    4. Mass Updates can only be done one page at a time.
    5. Watch the Activity Stream for the update confirmation back from Salesforce to see if updates were successful or a failure (or view the Activity Stream Error/Warnings report from the Reports dashboard to get a list of failures).
    6. Results within the pages will refresh in the list as records are updated and when moving through the pages.
  3. Automation: Update all records in the filter by starting a one-time automation job or schedule to run the job repeatedly.
    1. For a one-time job:
      1. From the filter’s menu option, choose ‘Start Automation’.

      2. Or choose the ‘Automation’ menu option from within the preview page and choose ‘Start Automation’.

      3. Choose ‘Automate’ on the confirmation page.
        1. Check the Run Window & Throttle settings if the job does not start within a reasonable time.
    2. To schedule the job to run repeatedly:
      1. From the filter’s menu option, choose ‘Schedule’.

      2. Toggle the dot to the right to enable the ‘Schedule recalculation’.

      3. Specify a frequency (one time, hourly, daily, or weekly. Set any additional settings related to the frequency as required. 
      4. Specify a start date and start time.
      5. The ‘Keep Schedule Running’ option must be enabled for the job to continue processing at the scheduled time.
      6. Toggle the dot to the right to enable ‘Schedule auto – update matching’ to process the job and 'Save'. If disabled, the job will only perform the calculation (query) at the scheduled time.


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